Título original: Dark Desire
Author: Christine Feehan
Author: Christine Feehan
ISBN: 978-84-92801-09-1
SYNOPSIS Trapped in the most dreadful agony, tortured and buried alive, Jacques only preserves the life and sanity through the powers of his race and telepathic contact with an unknown woman, able to sense what others think. When she finally finds him and rescues him, he is sick and weak. Just remember it is a Carpathian, a creature of the night can increíbles hazañas, ni tampoco la traición que permitió que un grupo de humanos casi acabara con él. Pero hay algo que sabe a pesar de su lamentable estado: la mujer que le ha hallado es su compañera eterna, y sólo ella puede salvarle de la locura.
Shea es una cirujana de éxito que descubrirá en Jacques a un hombre diferente a todos, pero para poder amarle antes ha de sanarle… y aceptar la aterradora verdad sobre su propia naturaleza, sobre la fabulosa estirpe de los carpatianos.
El deseo oscuro follows the same line of his predecessor: The dark prince. On this occasion, the author tells the story of another of his players: Jacques.
was one thing I expected to find in this book was that it was better written as the former became burdensome in some of his statements but, having read other books by Christine Feehan, I did miss this mess at the time of writing even raised the possibility that it was a matter of translation and not the writer. Well, I can not answer the question because the book has overcome this arrogance in the sentences but his translator is the same for what we have to consider that perhaps the self- escritora la que ha mejorado en estilo. Sea lo que sea, este se lee mucho mejor que su antecesor.
La historia es diferente a la anterior y aunque no sigue un hilo conductor, como bien sucede en la mayoría de sagas románticas, si que hace referencias o situaciones ya vividas. Los personajes anteriores tienen conexión con los nuevos lo que la hacen más vívida e interesante.
Me ha gustado la historia de los dos protagonistas: por una parte tenemos a Shea, cirujana y con un problema en la sangre desde niña lo que hace que no lleve una vida fácil, viviendo al margen de una sociedad que no la comprende. Por otro lado, Jacques ha sido traicionado y ha caído en la trampa que le tienden unos cazadores de vampiros: tortured, killed and buried. But he nailed the stake have not done properly so that Jacques does not die but remains buried alive. This makes it go away and falling into a consuming madness of which will be very difficult to wake. Shea finds him and takes him out of his confinement but Jacques has become a real predator who acts on instinct to survive.
Perhaps this is one story where Christine Feehan shows more clearly the differences between the vampires we are accustomed and his breed of Carpathians. It is a dark novel in which the protagonist, Shea, fighting for their own survival and overcoming an illness that deviates from society. Despite hazard that runs alongside Jacques, Shea will be in him someone very close to it and you can get answers regarding their nature.
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