Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dark Purple Line Inner Thigh

Solidarity Solidarity from Peru
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The Trial Court Criminal Oral Cañete announced the sentences for four members of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco, convicted of the crimes of armed robbery, attempted murder (against tax Mario Elgueta) and serious injuries against PDI officials, events, between 2005 and 2009 in the Eighth Region.
Judges Jorge Diaz Rojas, Paola Perez and Carlos Muñoz Schisano Iturriaga, determined, in the "Fact A.1 (the crime of armed robbery, committed on October 15, 2008, in Tirúa) condemn:
• Héctor Javier Llaitul Carrillanca punishment of 10 years and one day • Ramón Esteban Llanquileo punishment Pilquimán 5 years and one day • José Santiago Huenuche Reiman and sentenced to 5 years and one day, and Sady Huillical • Jonathan Mendez and sentenced to 5 years and a day.
Meanwhile, in the "Fact A.2 (the frustrated homicide deputy prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor Mario Elgueta and serious injuries to personnel of the PDI, which occurred on October 16, 2008) sentencing: • Héctor Javier Llaitul Carrillanca punishment of 15 years and one day; • Ramón Esteban Llanquileo Pilquimán punishment of 15 years and one day
• José Santiago Huenuche Reiman and sentenced to 15 years and one day, and
• Jonathan Mendez Huillical Sady and sentenced to 15 years and one day.
With regard to the events assigned as B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6, which correspond to different arson committed between November 2005 and August 2009 - was determined, by unanimous decision:
acquit the accused, Hector Javier Llaitul Carrillanca, Marco Marin and Cesar Mauricio Parra Millanao Leiva, of the objections raised by the terrorist arson, committed on November 10, 2005.
-acquit defendants Millanao Marco Mauricio Marin, Eduardo César Peña and Simon Eras Painemil Paillán Miles, of the objections raised by the terrorist arson, committed on April 12, 2009. -acquit defendants Millanao Marco Mauricio Marin, Eduardo César Peña and Simon Eras Painemil Paillán Miles, of the objections raised by the terrorist arson, committed on May 30, 2009. -acquit defendants Millanao Marco Mauricio Marin and Jorge Andrés Santi Leal of the objections raised by the crime of arson, committed on August 8, 2009.
-acquit defendants Millanao Marco Mauricio Marin, Eduardo César Peña and Simon Painemil Eras Paillán miles of the objections raised by the terrorist arson, committed on August 9, 2009.
-acquit defendants Millanao Marco Mauricio Marin, Eduardo César Painemil Peña, Miles Simon Eras Paillán and Jorge Andrés Santi Leal of the objections raised by the terrorist arson, committed on August 9, 2009.
C As for the fact, that is the terrorist conspiracy charges and association conspiracy to robbery and theft of wood, it was determined unanimous decision:
-acquit the accused
Llaitul Carrillanca
Hector Javier, Ramon Esteban Llanquileo Pilquimán, Millanao Marcos Mauricio Marin, Victor Adelino Llanquileo Pilquimán, Luis Guillermo Menares Chanilao, Sady Huillical Jonathan Mendez, Jose Santiago Huenuche Reiman, Cesar Eduardo Leiva Parra, Cesar Eduardo Painemil Peña, Jorge Andrés Santi Leal and Simon Miles Paillán Eras,
of the charges that were made by the crime of illicit terrorist association and
Llaitul Carrillanca Hector Javier, Ramon Esteban Llanquileo Pilquimán, Adelino Llanquileo Pilquimán Victor, Luis Guillermo Menares Chanilao, Sady Huillical Jonathan Mendez, Jose Santiago Huenuche Reiman, Cesar Eduardo Parra Leiva, Nolberto Fidel Parra Leiva, Juan Carlos Parra Leiva, Alejandro Leonel Carilao Liencura, Juan Manuel Muñoz Huenuman, Carlos Andres Muñoz Huenuman and Second Ñeguey Ñeguey Ambrosio,
of charges of conspiracy to steal and timber theft.

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Mapuche Cañete take church with media inside
Council Declaration
All Lands before the Court of Cañete

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