Original title: Dark Gold
Author: Christine Feehan
Author: Christine Feehan
ISBN: 978-84-92801-43-5
That night, Alexandria believed that a sinister fantasy world known as the cartoonist had relidad: a true vampire threatened his life and his little brother. Continuing with supernatural surprises, both were saved by a strange and beautiful to be, a giant long-haired blonde who inspired such terror as an attraction. Aidan soon discover that Savage is a man: a Carpathian, a member of a legendary race with supernatural powers. A being that is sure to love her because she alone can end centuries of isolation and a hopeless future. Alexandria can not Ngar's passion grow into his body, but refuses to give up his human existence. The prospect of an eternal night is terrifying ... even in the bed of the more seductive than exists on earth.
What happened to the saga?
's see: I go in the third installment and I have already lost. Where is all that magic and that interest by Christine Feehan showed us their new and different breed of Carpathians? This story has seemed rather slow, boring and even I've done something heavy toward the end (yes, that never came). Well
. Early in the book the author shows us a female protagonist of the story: Alexandria, a lonely woman whose sole purpose is to care and provide the best for his little brother. For this appointment with a major creator of video games you are looking for an artist to his new creation. It will be during the dinner when Alexandria is the vampire that stalks and ends kidnapped and taken to their lair to feed her and make her his friend, something that almost gets it not for the intervention of Aidan who took time after this vampire to hunt. Initially
Aidan thinks she has been transformed into a vampire and tries to kill him but when the bite, recognized as his partner and tries to save for the inevitable transformation that is suffering not kill or turn into an evil being.
So far, so good. What I disliked is that handled in this way the mind of the brother to remember only the most convenient. From this point is between them a relationship tedious. The first part is fine, since she wakes up, obviously scared (okay, terrified) and unable to assimilate what is happening. As much as Aidan tries to explain that is not a vampire, she does not believe her (normal) and refuses to 'surrender' in spite of his physical attraction to him (that makes me laugh, really).
refuses to acknowledge his new nature. She wants to be human, to continue the life they are used and care for her younger brother. Do not want to join a man she did not know and tells fanciful stories about the life that awaits him. The story is heavy and nothing happens more. All the while is the same tug of war: the insistence of Aidan and the rejection of Alexandria. We, at the end say, "OK, stay with him because he has no choice," it clear that the author masked the resabida formula: "I suddenly realized that I love him ... what a fool I've been !. " Then, of course (and when there are few pages for the final) viene el trozo en que «Aixx, puedo perderlo» y en el que Aidan ha de enfrentarse a un supuesto vampiro malísimo que lo puede derrotar (cosa que tampoco comprendo porque al principio la autora pintaba a Aidan como una especie de súper héroe muy superior a cualquier vampiro que se le quiera enfrentar) pero bueno, el final es el esperado y te abre camino hacia la siguiente entrega (que pienso leer porque ya la he comprado) y que nos mostrará la historia de Gregori, maestro (por así decirlo) de Aidan, uno de los personajes más misteriosos y atractivos que posee esta autora y que espero no destroce en el siguiente libro.
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