The Holocaust did exist in World War II (IX)
The Holocaust did exist in the second world war, called pits Huda Jama (Cave Mala). 5000 is called lime-covered corpses, played with their hands tied to the socialist style. Called Slovenes and Croats killed and hidden by the machinery of the Holocaust ally.
The Holocaust did exist in WWII and is called to run the enemy force peaks, shock, smash the living amid moans and before that were to follow their fate. His name is alive to launch humans into a mine hole and covered with lime as they mourned and his horror was covered by the laughter of the murderers. It's called stacking the dead and living dead of alive, bodies mutilated by the sadistic beatings received, is called the Holocaust made by animals.
More than 5,000 human beings were arrested, transported like animals to the mines, forced to dig down and 4,000 meters to be tied up, humiliated, insulted, beaten with picks and shovels and piled in a pit covered with little lime horror that broke the tests and did leave some bodies mummified by the lack of oxygen. The holocaust of World War II called allies, is imperialism and socialism, is called silent about these facts. Rest in peace
who died horrendous way and have long been blind to the truth and be executed by the executors
history "Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam."
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