Thursday, March 17, 2011

Solaraze Gel What Is For

The people think that there is not much to choose from, which is about four or five matches here share power for periods of time or local chiefs, that nothing can change . This is the maximum mass have taught sheepish now cries and laments his errors, his passivity, his goodism and the futility of their minds to argue the vote. It's more comfortable not having to think, not having to change or alter the system leads us to take the ballot or even better not having to explain to the wife or husband for dissenting from the "family tradition" when voting. If the grandfather was from one or many others follow suit with a vote without thinking about their meaning, are absurd loyalties that lead to conditions like those we are living and keep a wealthy political class in the safety of the faithful.

the end who receive more money for their campaigns are those that seem to have the truth, but the experience and every day we teach their goings and their disabilities as rulers, but there will be indoctrinated to target a mass ballot the symbol his party of a lifetime. It should make a training test vote before depositing the ballot, the voter should ask how aware is about their voting intentions on the knowledge of its policy or merely limited the vote to "red and fascists. "

In the next election we should vote, but vote their conscience (which I'm sick of this phrase!), Vote accordingly, with a real analysis of who voted and what their intentions. And this is impossible, would be the debacle of the major parties, elections would ruin the moment in which the people will not leave manipulate and could actually vote. Because our democracy, that is called freedom of speech and thought is conditioned by the amount of money deposited by candidates, is conditioned by the manipulation of political campaigns that really are just that, sales campaigns, but no intentions to make a good thing for society .

"Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam."


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