Online Teotihuacan. Ecatepec. Eruviel Avila Villegas, gave 800 thousand computers, tables and regulators, as well as 600 printers, for use by students of 120 primary and secondary schools in the municipality, within the framework of commitments signed before a notary public education. "With this equipment, students will have access to technologies that help improve the quality of their learning," he said. The director of public high Crispin Garcia Estrada "in the fractionation Heroes First Section, Carlos Martínez Herrera stressed the importance of the delivery of this equipment, "as necessary for student learning as they lacked a computer lab."

The event, held at the Civic Center in Ecatepec, Avila Eruviel stressed the importance of providing computers to schools, since according to the Household Survey on Availability and Use of Information Technology conducted by the INEGI in 2010, nationally only 3 in 10 households have computers. He added that each school will receive at least 10 computer equipment, depending on the enrollment of each campus, which will help students to do their homework, have workshops and basic computer courses, plus the ability to access more than 100 000 online texts have nine virtual libraries of Ecatepec. The handover took an investment of nearly 25 million pesos, coupled with other donated 515 computers to 51 elementary and secondary schools in early March, city spokesmen reported
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