Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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The Holocaust did exist in World War II (VI)


The Holocaust did exist in WWII. It's called bombing of Kiel, is called forgetting a temporary ceasefire so they can leave hospital ships, called surprise the rows of trucks ambulance carrying the injured, it is called treason and slaughter, called Kiel.

On December 13, 1943 and had long given the order to eliminate the German population regardless of the means or the victims. One child was an enemy and a woman a potential mother, had to destroy the German people without regard had to finish the Holocaust. Kiel was preparing to evacuate wounded and 750 bombing, the same as in Bremen dropped tons of bombs, tons of phosphorus on the people injured on civilians.

The Holocaust did exist in WWII and is called hiding on the night of winter engine off and let the machines plan to bomb surprise, surprise unnecessary because the city had no defenses against such aircraft camera full of death. No matter that they were working in the yards of their camp prisoners, the razed, the fire in life, the Holocaust no difference to anyone once it has started.

killed hundreds of thousands of humans, helpless once again under the weight of bombs dropped from the cowardice of darkness, to the confussion of thunder hear the heavens and the earth by an attack on a port hospital. They died because they were part of the list of the Holocaust.

and never rest in peace be forgotten.

"Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam."


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