Online Teotihuacan. Teresa Ortiz. Toluca. Enrique Peña Nieto, during the presentation of recognition Ser Maestro 2010, 2 000 500 teachers, called the Magisterium to support efforts to improve the quality of education in the state, in order to obtain the proper immersion in tomorrow's society the era of knowledge that is, generating more wealth and therefore greater good for society through the generation of knowledge and added value to the rights, based on knowledge. First Raul Murrieta
Cummins, Secretary of Finance in the state, and the Mayor of Toluca, María Elena Barrera Tapia Peña Nieto said more effort was devoted to educational quality and warned that a modification of the model that had hitherto had, taking the first steps along this administration, he said. Roberto Sánchez
Espiridión Pompa, general secretary of the Teachers Union in the State Service of Mexico, stressed that quality education must be given within a fair, just and dignified for children and young people in Mexico. "Education can never be a privilege of the rich and disenfranchisement of the poor. Education must have justice, equality and nationalism as standards of democracy. "

said that in addition to recognition, each will receive an economic boost of 20 thousand pesos, which means a state government contribution of 50 million weights for this purpose. Curi
Naime noted that the process involved for 2010 through open competition, a group of teachers towards pre-school, primary and secondary schools, teachers and class hours, all subjects of general and technical secondary education, including commissioners directors group, whose performance evaluation was conducted from conceiving the teacher as a school manager firmly committed to their own professional development and improvement of its work through the preparation of teaching and organization knowledge, of the setting and the very development of the teaching-apprentice and, of course, the complete fulfillment of their responsibility
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