The punishment always comes

Author: Charles Portis
ISBN: 978-84-9908-733 -7
say you can not know what lies at the heart of a man.
On a trip to buy horses, Frank Ross is killed by one of its workers to keep a horse, one hundred fifty dollars and dis gold.
With fourteen years, Mattie, the daughter of Ross, is ready to avenge a death that has gone unpunished and claim the body of his father. Revert to the commissioner more "ruthless and cruel" in Arkansas, the one-eyed Rooster Cogburn. Will delve into the Indian Territory if necessary. Fight any outlaw. For Mattie wants to prove that theirs is a noble heart. And their value is law.
Grit is an American classic themed in the West, a novel loved by generations of readers since its publication in 1968 and inspired two movies formidable. A book as delightful as shocking about cruelty, revenge and the inevitable entry into adulthood. And an example of courage and indestructible vitality, and its poignant character.
aside the films True Grit say that is a short little novel, entertaining and quite simplistic.
Throughout his meager 200 pages, Mattie Ross tells us how to revenge the death of his father, assassinated by Tom Chaney, one of its employees. Mattie viaja hasta Fort Smith para reclamar el cadáver de su padre. Una vez allí, decide contratar al comisario Rooster Cogburn para que le ayude a atrapar al asesino de su padre. A ellos se les unirá un ranger de Texas que lleva ya tiempo persiguiendo a Chaney.
Cuando cogí este libro esperaba encontrar algo más denso. Me sorprendí muchísimo al ver que sólo tenía 200 páginas. La historia está contada en primera persona y se ciñe estrictamente a lo que su personaje nos quiere contar; no hay excesivas descripciones, algo que a veces se hecha en falta —sobre todo si has visionado la película y deseas esclarecer pequeños detalles como en qué ojo lleva Rooster el parche—, pero que no son necessary. It is a very readable book, perfect for those who do not have much free time or for those who start reading and it scares them as bulky books.
The story follows a very definite script, no surprises, no parallel plots, and surprising end. It is simply a Western adventure you can enjoy both young and seasoned readers.
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