Online Teotihuacan. Genaro Olvera. Tequixquiac. Following the alleged apparitions of circles from "aliens" that appeared in the area Tlapanaloya, two witnesses who requested anonymity, told Online that Teotihuacan clearly heard voices and the sound of machinery and motor vehicles the night before unearthly appearance.
On land owned by Mr. Enrique Nicolás Hernández, where eyewitnesses said on Sunday morning, five circles "in perfect condition and diameter "had appeared, the first of which appeared from Saturday to Sunday, forming the" large circle ", while the other three smaller circles, Sunday morning found about 50 feet away. On Monday, another circle beside the first, had come to make a total of five nearly perfect circles drawn on the crops of oats, which boasts among locals, who for three consecutive days, the extraterrestrial beings visited the town.
However, Teotihuacan Online spoke to two people the first day, ie early Saturday, returning from a party, walking around the grounds in question, when they heard voices and sounds of machinery. "They were talking and laughing, listened to and heard and threshing machines, because we were drinking tequila and I felt like going to the bathroom ... I went from oats and heard it all ... I took it as normal because I thought they were working on something the earth ... But the next day, when it became the thing of the Martians, and circles, I knew what it was ... And the following days, because as you already knew how you were doing, "he said. The other witness, saying the words of his friend, said in jest that "made the theater to distract with the elections chupacabras as many years. "
However, Nicolas Enrique Hernandez, owner of the land of the mysterious circles, is a relative of Thomas Nicholas Hernandez, who was the seventh ruler issued the PRI in the municipality
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