Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Left Nostril Scabbing

Spanish girl killed by a Muslim in Salt

told us yesterday the blog 28760 Resists , Oscar Cruz Bernal, a young resident of Salt died at the hands of a Moor, an infidel dog insulting to the nation that maintains and people who tolerate their insults and their way of life criminal. The multi-product of the alliance of civilizations, he walked the streets called sons of bitches to the English decorating it with ..... bastards do not know why but I imagine the experience with these arrogant sons of Allah. Oscar Cruz

rebuked him and called recommending order to return to his nation, what the infidel dog responded with a bevy of hits, we know they always do in the back, one of which led to his death this young man whose crime was to defend English the English from the insults of a refugee and protected member of the Moorish community. A English-language

victim of violence, lack of control, of multiculturalism, the goodism, of passivity, but to all victims of courage to face who insulted and denigrated for their country and their countrymen. English with a good hard life and childhood, a English man who was going into the armed forces a generous and courageous English did not hesitate to give his life to defend what we have to defend the English people: the honor of the country and the high head of our compatriots. Rest in peace

this hero of the street, this English citizen silenced in the media and that could have been avoided if ce Unfortunately only a few months he had heard the protest against immigration in this population. Now is the time to hold accountable those who stood to the Moslems, who shouted that they were people .... do not murder someone else to death. Rest in peace.

"Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam."


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