Author: Lara Adrian
Editorial ISBN: 978-84-473-7083-2
With a dagger in his hand and revenge mind, the beautiful Elise Chase through the streets of Boston in search of revenge against the vampires outcasts snatched especially when appreciated. Using an extraordinary psychic gift, tracks her prey, well aware that the power they have can destroy it. You must learn to harness his gift, and it should appeal to a man in particular: Tegan, the deadliest of the warriors of the Kindred.
Tegan, que no es ajeno a la pérdida, conoce el dolor de Elise. Sabe lo que es estar furioso, pero cuando se enfrenta a sus enemigos sólo hay hielo por sus venas. Hasta ahora, ha conservado perfectamente el control de sí mismo... hasta que Elise busca su ayuda en su particular guerra personal. Es entonces cuando se forja entre ellos una impía alianza, un vínculo que les une mediante la sangre y un juramento, y les sumerge en una tempestad de peligro, deseo y las más oscuras pasiones del corazón.
Puede que, hasta el momento, esta sea la más oscura y seria de las entregas.
Continúa el hilo conductor de esta trama a través de dos personajes que nos fueron presentados en la novela anterior: Elise y Tegan; ambos han sufrido la pérdida de sus seres queridos y tienen miedo de volver a abrir su corazón.
Elise lo ha perdido todo y abandona el refugio donde vivía y que la protegía de su inapreciable don: ella puede oír y sentir los pensamientos y sentimientos de los demás hasta el punto de alcanzar la locura puesto que sin nada que la proteja o que la ayude a controlarlo, Elise está sometida continuamente a las voces que martirizan su mente. Con el deseo de vengar la muerte de su hijo, y sin interés alguno por su propia vida, se lanza a las calles en busca de renegados para matarlos. En una de sus incursiones se encounters an individual who should pick up a package for its leader and is done with it, triggering a series of unexpected events that will put the spotlight on their enemies.
But luck is on their side as Tegan, warrior of the tribe finds her and helps her escape. Among them will come an inevitable attraction, but both will fight against it without wanting to accept their feelings.
Lara Adrian is a script defined, joining with another story. I like the characters that has been presented in previous novels are intermingled in these new stories and not go simply called at specific points as in other sagas. Here, once again has Lucan their share of ownership, like Dante or Chase. Are perhaps more females relegated but each has its point of importance due to their unique gifts that make them interesting and independently.
The book left me satisfied and intrigued, eager to read the following as the author has managed to finish a stage and reopen another as if it were a first and second season of a television series. I really liked this new twist that makes the story not boring for us to always have the same goal.
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