The sad man (David Espinar)

El anillo del atlante (José Miguel Arguix Moreno)

Based on a photo of Roger Lafforest published in his book Houses that were killed at radionics studies, and different copies of this ring.
Now thanks to new technologies such as Kirlian Camera © DSG have been able to confirm the powers and virtues of this ring, and learn everything about it, its history, sacred geometry and especially how to use each one of the fingers of our hands, both physically and emotionally.
discover the answers to all our doubts about this ring "protector and balancer" Atlantean ring.
Yossi, the clone of Jesus Christ (Antonio F. Ortiz)
Yossi, the clone of Jesus Christ (Antonio F. Ortiz)

Since then, the life of the ecclesiastical dump to know the truth ... Yossi
Is a clone of Jesus? Or is it all a hoax? Strange
events will sink in a sea of \u200b\u200bdoubt, questioning the faith he professes.
Is a clone of Jesus? Or is it all a hoax? Strange
events will sink in a sea of \u200b\u200bdoubt, questioning the faith he professes.
Revenge in module two (Jesus Carretero Rivero)

You know, at the hands of the protagonists, and the author's original intention to move away from stereotypes and wrong image of what is a prison, what may be happening daily in any English prison. The plot, not without extensive descriptions of characters and landscapes, is full of distinctive features that are swiftly fluctuating between comedy and drama involving the reader in a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and feelings.
This is a report (Sena Ildefonso Rodriguez)

- Have you noticed?, Peers no help - said Mena.
"Yes," Isaiah, "everyone goes to his ball. SENA ILDEFONSO
this book recounts the adventures of a journalist in the provinces, since the founding of a new newspaper for having joined the team, until it leaves including past memories. Issues such as migration through the Strait of Gibraltar, political corruption, drug trafficking or the discovery of the whereabouts of Milans del Bosch after being arrested in 1981, are treated in a story full of hilarious stories whose protagonists are real.
infinite tower (Miguel Lopez Valderrama)

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