Author: Nieves Hidalgo
Ediciones B (Zeta Pocket)
ISBN: 978-84-9872-193-5
SYNOPSIS Heart Leon commands the Second Crusade and England is bleeding between feudal intrigues and struggles. Normans and Saxons vie for control and King Richard granted to his most faithful servant, Wulkan, the estate of Kellinword and the hand of a Saxon lady, with a clear mandate to unify and pacify the territory. In this task, to put their hope and the search for a peace that he found no warring.
However, his fiancee, Lady Jacqueline Lynch has vowed to avenge the death of their parents and not kowtow to any Norman. Escapes not to become his wife, but fate will drag Kellinword definitely where the attraction will be caught by the enemy.
When I first read the synopsis of this book I could not stop thinking about Robin Hood and the struggle between Normans and Saxons, but this has nothing to do Robin Hood novel: neither Wulkan is an outlaw who robs the rich to give to the poor, or a fine Lady Jacqueline Lady Marian delicate yearning for the beloved trapped within the walls of his fortress.
One of the things I like about Saxon Pride is precisely the character of the protagonist rather proud, as its title specifies, tenacious, sassy, \u200b\u200ba little cheeky, talkative and, above all, very, very, very stubborn ... Holy God! If there were times when even I had taken and would have given a good spanking. Wulkan
And ... what of it? Absolutely nothing because everything Nieves says: tall, handsome, brave, stubborn thing (but much less than it simple in their warrior, compassionate (just enough, because when judges show no mercy), severe, a bit rude and inflexible.
History shows an epoch in which ruling King Richard, whose word was law to his subjects and not denied or questioned his desire, in this case, the marriage between Wulkan and Jacqueline. In order not to disobey his king Jacqueline decided to devise a plan that initially seems simple: you tell the king that she was traveling when he got a marriage proposal. His father carried his ward in place, waiting Wulkan it decides to marry instead of her daughter Jacqueline.
But fate makes Wulkan and Jacqueline are-she, disguised as a boy, and decides to take her to his castle to make it squire. From this moment the situation will be happening in a giddy, some really funny, others unsettling, but all extremely well written, with an amazing rate its own vocabulary of the time and with a wealth of details that they live out this adventure as if we were in the same body's own Jacqueline.
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