Original title: Kiss of Crimson
Author: Lara Adrian
Editorial RBA
ISBN: 978-84-473-6949-2
A new designer drug called crimson circulating among young vampires Boston, awakening in them an uncontrollable lust for blood and sex, and transforming them into violent renegades. Dante, Kindred Warrior, has a mission to stop the drug but, after a fight with his enemies, is seriously wounded and is forced to feed on the young Tess Curver to survive. From that moment, Tess and Dante become partners with blood, and Dante must choose between using it as a mere pawn in their fight or join it forever ....
Crimson Kiss is the second installment of Midnight Race. In the first part: Midnight Kiss , Lara Adrian introduced us to a new breed of vampires and we opened the door to a whole new world with its own distinct characteristics and rules of other stories about vampires bandied around.
In this second part of the story continues even see it from the perspective de un nuevo personaje. Si antes conocimos a Lucan, el líder de la Estirpe, esta vez tendremos el placer de conocer a Dante, uno de los guerreros que lucha bajo su mando.
Me gusta como Lara Adrian enfoca las historias de esta saga ya que, a pesar de que los títulos pueden leerse de manera independiente, el trasfondo de la historia tiene un hilo conductor que va abriendo puertas con cada entrega. Ni la trama ni los personajes han perdido fuerza, cosa que a veces ocurre en sagas como ésta: la primera está muy bien pero las siguientes pierden fuerza e interés; es como si la autora se hubiera acomodado en su éxito y decidiera hacer una entrega tras otra. Aquí, esto no ocurre. La novela es intrigante y te mantiene en suspense until it resolves this part of history.
A highly recommended saga, a far cry from the current series of predominantly self-confidence and humor of its characters. Here, seriously abounds, conflict has catastrophic consequences and the fate of the world is waged every day with small actions such as preventing a new designer drug, circle around the city.
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