Charter (open) the Attorney Alejandro Peña
A letter can be a rebellion against injustice, and believe me, this is the spirit of this letter.
What I would like finally to express is that if we want low minimum requirement, ride a story where the design of injustice is not a course required, we must accept that every society is inhabited by spirits free and impregnated by efforts to push the story along the path of freedom and dignity. And although not the only, living in rebellion is also a way of life.
You are on the antipode to this way of life.
Every society must have a flatterer at the court jester and believe that we are sure you-and other prosecutors in cases Mapuche-embody the "Fiscal Torres of our time" .
you assume practices at odds with true justice, lies, betrayal paid, forced testing, the dirty and unjustified delirious imagination, even repression targeted to children for bullying.
I can not understand the turn on your soul, you were a student in practice in a beloved institution in the field of human rights, the CODEPU. Was it passes through the CODEPU spying plan?, Where is fired after known sensitivity, first source, the aberrations of the dictatorship?. Today you performed these aberrations in the raids and arrests of people who have been linked in media free "case bombs .
know from the governments of the Concertación, the obsessive compulsion towards presenting a country "White" a "paradise for foreign investment" , "where institutions work" and "businesses are" . All this, unfortunately, built with repression, not sparing the assembly dirty minds as a tool to standardize. The fact is that provoke anger mounts, causing indignation ethics and away to silence dissenting voices are put on alert the spirits who do not accept the plans, the market forced shirt. Emulating
Blest Clotaire humbly, does not scare me at all if this letter does cause me personal harm, and although I am far from fiction with this, I prefer to silence political prison.
Know that each day you add more people aware of the reality of political imprisonment in Chile today, ready to play their small rebellions to expose the brutality of the system.
Unlike you, we experience the joy of having no money!
Cáceres Claudio Escobar
Electrical Engineer - Professor of Mathematics State
to Freedom (as) Prisoners (as) Political (as) of 14 August!
Freedom Mapuche Political Prisoners!