Thursday, March 17, 2011

Katesplayground Uncensored

The Holocaust did exist in World War II (III) Preparing


The Holocaust did exist in WWII. It's called bombing of Hamburg and its outcome are 40,000 victims, mostly civilians, in just five air raids by an ally that had nothing to do with the conflict but began to erect the Emperor of weapons and an England funded by the diamonds of those who are presumed incinerated.

The Holocaust did exist in the second world war, is called nocturnal attacks almost defenseless civilian population, is called again phosphorous bombs and tons of explosives that spilled into the air creating real bombs. It's called Operation Gomorrah, Jewish name, because the Allied command was possessed by those who were supposed to concentration camps.

The Holocaust could not identify more than 20,000 victims because they were scorched, really burned alive. He could not count the dead because the ruins were used as tombs for unarmed women and children escaping from every attack just featuring 750 heavy cargo aircraft, a deadly payload to the story that seeks to silence this real holocaust. He even created a firestorm of outrage and phosphorus explosion spilled on the civilian population. The artillery defenses just suffered more damage than the evacuation of the military to help the population. The goal was not military but civil holocaust take on the unarmed and helpless population.

The Holocaust itself
existed in the Second World War and called Hamburg with its nearly one million displaced people in misery and true lines of exodus to save lives, the little life that may remain inside who has lived the horror of seeing his family burned alive by phosphorus bombs dropped at night and protected in the day so could not attend to the wounded and dead. A slaughter silenced and we will not see more movies with heroes that the memory of a people who suffered the holocaust and now appears as guilty as ever seen and demonstrated. Rest in peace

these victims of such vile "military achievement" and its generators are judged by a history that will someday be fair and will clarify these real holocaust.

"Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam."


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