Friday, March 18, 2011

Company Anniversary Speeches

The Holocaust did exist in World War II (IV)


The Holocaust did exist in the second world war, called Wilhelm Gustloff. The Holocaust is called a hospital ship torpedo filled with women and children, full of humanity and helplessness. The Holocaust is called the greatest naval barbarism of all time. No chance for the defense by surprise, surprise, you need the murderer hidden in the water, no chance to escape, no chance to save lives .... hiding or protecting massacred.

At night, the darkness that supports the murderer, was fired three torpedoes against the unarmed hospital ship full of refugees. And the murderer even surfaced to rescue survivors, straightened bow to the ground leaving the fate of the civilians massacred sea. So was proposed as a hero of the Soviet Union until the murderers realized that they had committed a holocaust perpetrated over and decided how the rumor had been the German who own aircraft had bombed the hospital ship ... scoundrels. !.

10,000 people burned once again. Drowned without help from the executor. Women, children, invalids, patients unable to survive all of the waters of a sea that would mean his salvation and was their slaughter, the slaughter of the holocaust in World War II. Its architects
far from being tried for crimes against humanity and violation of Geneva were lauded as heroes and cheered by some officers who had decided to make the Holocaust with the German population. Rest in peace
these victims of the Holocaust and that history will judge his murderers.

"Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam."


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