Monday, March 21, 2011

How To Remove Spots From Dupioni

The Holocaust did exist in the World War II (V)

The Holocaust did exist in the second world war, called troops surrender at Stalingrad. The battle was the most cruel that history can ever remember, thousands of men died in the ruins of a city on fire. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of German soldiers were isolated and condemned to die of hunger and cold in the middle of a previously unknown Russian winter.

German troops are positioned and reappeared murderer that match that burns the soldiers no chance of recovery. frozen wounded soldiers dying while the Russian front provided from the top of the buildings by the horrific death your enemy. Who is not compassion for the wounded or overcome is making a sacrifice on opposing troops. Humanity must not quarrel with the victory or resistance.

Germany surrendered to save the lives of 92,000 soldiers that there were between shivering and famine caused by the poisoning of water and nutrients. 92,000 soldiers who were tortured with snow marches relentlessly beaten by his guards, stripped naked in the middle of the snow, without food, without which the contaminated water that killed dysentery and typhus at nearly 88,000 of the 92,000 prisoners. The Holocaust is called Stalingrad surrender. It's called violating the most basic rules of prisoners, called malnutrition, disease and mass executions, the Holocaust is called P, is called poison in the water, is called inhumanity Interestingly these murdered (because prisoners who does have the obligation to look for his life) if they accept death from typhus and dysentery, to the German labor camps not, what is the difference?.

"Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam."


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