Monday, February 28, 2011

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He had resisted the temptation for centuries ... a warrior whose heart refused ice to melt ... until she arrived.

Original title: Midnight Awakening
Author: Lara Adrian
Editorial ISBN: 978-84-473-7083-2


With a dagger in his hand and revenge mind, the beautiful Elise Chase through the streets of Boston in search of revenge against the vampires outcasts snatched especially when appreciated. Using an extraordinary psychic gift, tracks her prey, well aware that the power they have can destroy it. You must learn to harness his gift, and it should appeal to a man in particular: Tegan, the deadliest of the warriors of the Kindred.

Tegan, que no es ajeno a la pérdida, conoce el dolor de Elise. Sabe lo que es estar furioso, pero cuando se enfrenta a sus enemigos sólo hay hielo por sus venas. Hasta ahora, ha conservado perfectamente el control de sí mismo... hasta que Elise busca su ayuda en su particular guerra personal. Es entonces cuando se forja entre ellos una impía alianza, un vínculo que les une mediante la sangre y un juramento, y les sumerge en una tempestad de peligro, deseo y las más oscuras pasiones del corazón.


Puede que, hasta el momento, esta sea la más oscura y seria de las entregas.
Continúa el hilo conductor de esta trama a través de dos personajes que nos fueron presentados en la novela anterior: Elise y Tegan; ambos han sufrido la pérdida de sus seres queridos y tienen miedo de volver a abrir su corazón.

Elise lo ha perdido todo y abandona el refugio donde vivía y que la protegía de su inapreciable don: ella puede oír y sentir los pensamientos y sentimientos de los demás hasta el punto de alcanzar la locura puesto que sin nada que la proteja o que la ayude a controlarlo, Elise está sometida continuamente a las voces que martirizan su mente. Con el deseo de vengar la muerte de su hijo, y sin interés alguno por su propia vida, se lanza a las calles en busca de renegados para matarlos. En una de sus incursiones se encounters an individual who should pick up a package for its leader and is done with it, triggering a series of unexpected events that will put the spotlight on their enemies.

But luck is on their side as Tegan, warrior of the tribe finds her and helps her escape. Among them will come an inevitable attraction, but both will fight against it without wanting to accept their feelings.

Lara Adrian is a script defined, joining with another story. I like the characters that has been presented in previous novels are intermingled in these new stories and not go simply called at specific points as in other sagas. Here, once again has Lucan their share of ownership, like Dante or Chase. Are perhaps more females relegated but each has its point of importance due to their unique gifts that make them interesting and independently.

The book left me satisfied and intrigued, eager to read the following as the author has managed to finish a stage and reopen another as if it were a first and second season of a television series. I really liked this new twist that makes the story not boring for us to always have the same goal.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Midnight Kiss Eternal Passion

Original title: Kiss of Crimson
Author: Lara Adrian

Editorial RBA
ISBN: 978-84-473-6949-2


A new designer drug called crimson circulating among young vampires Boston, awakening in them an uncontrollable lust for blood and sex, and transforming them into violent renegades. Dante, Kindred Warrior, has a mission to stop the drug but, after a fight with his enemies, is seriously wounded and is forced to feed on the young Tess Curver to survive. From that moment, Tess and Dante become partners with blood, and Dante must choose between using it as a mere pawn in their fight or join it forever ....


Crimson Kiss is the second installment of Midnight Race. In the first part: Midnight Kiss , Lara Adrian introduced us to a new breed of vampires and we opened the door to a whole new world with its own distinct characteristics and rules of other stories about vampires bandied around.

In this second part of the story continues even see it from the perspective de un nuevo personaje. Si antes conocimos a Lucan, el líder de la Estirpe, esta vez tendremos el placer de conocer a Dante, uno de los guerreros que lucha bajo su mando.

Me gusta como Lara Adrian enfoca las historias de esta saga ya que, a pesar de que los títulos pueden leerse de manera independiente, el trasfondo de la historia tiene un hilo conductor que va abriendo puertas con cada entrega. Ni la trama ni los personajes han perdido fuerza, cosa que a veces ocurre en sagas como ésta: la primera está muy bien pero las siguientes pierden fuerza e interés; es como si la autora se hubiera acomodado en su éxito y decidiera hacer una entrega tras otra. Aquí, esto no ocurre. La novela es intrigante y te mantiene en suspense until it resolves this part of history.

A highly recommended saga, a far cry from the current series of predominantly self-confidence and humor of its characters. Here, seriously abounds, conflict has catastrophic consequences and the fate of the world is waged every day with small actions such as preventing a new designer drug, circle around the city.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Taken by Night
Author: Kathryn Smith
Editorial RBA
ISBN 978-84-473-7082-5


Saint has received a distress call from the Maison Rouge, the famous London brothel where they work some of her friends. After six centuries of existence as a vampire, Saint knows that it is better to stay away from humans, but two of the girls have been brutally murdered, and Ivy Dearing, the beautiful daughter of the owner, will need to catch the criminal. Ivy is ready to go all the way, even risking their own lives ... And Saint feels it can no longer ignore the call of love or of his own destiny.


We are faced with the third installment of the series The Brotherhood of the Blood which you can find reviews here at Between Books.

As the synopsis indicates, the plot focuses on the inside of a brothel: the Maison Rouge, a brothel owned by Reign, one of you members of the Brotherhood of Blood, a place where vampires may shelter and quench their thirst for blood.

Saint, our protagonist, arrives at the brothel where he reported the deaths of two of the girls who work there. Both have been brutally murdered and they have started the array, which makes one suspect the police that maybe Jack the Ripper, has returned. Then there is a new body and begins to investigate Saint outlet of the three victims. During this process, must deal with the daughter of Madame who runs the brothel, which has been proposed to seduce him at all costs.

In my view, this book is the simplest of the three. The plot is not extremely tangled and is limited almost exclusively to the relationship between Ivy and Saint. The description of the vampire is magnificent. The author claims that we fall in love with him and get it. Furthermore Ivy is a modern woman, bold and without any shame to the opposite sex as a child lived in the brothel (But do not work there) and not afraid to feel self-conscious nor sex. Since the plot is centered on two of them, are the only strong characters who find the rest seem to have been "added" to complete the story but they are quite soft and poorly described.

When we started reading the book, we wonder what does this story with the Brotherhood, but as we go along we will see that everything is related. I still think
My forever the first of the series is the best, the deepest feelings about respect, more romantic and more interesting. Both Eternal Passion like its predecessor, Amor Inmortal are mere excuses to continue with a series that promised much but which is weakened by time. I just hope the next installment has a tad more power, but, anyway, are entertaining stories, well written and very romantic.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Crimson Pride Red Circle Saxon

Author: Nieves Hidalgo
Ediciones B (Zeta Pocket)
ISBN: 978-84-9872-193-5

SYNOPSIS Heart Leon commands the Second Crusade and England is bleeding between feudal intrigues and struggles. Normans and Saxons vie for control and King Richard granted to his most faithful servant, Wulkan, the estate of Kellinword and the hand of a Saxon lady, with a clear mandate to unify and pacify the territory. In this task, to put their hope and the search for a peace that he found no warring.
However, his fiancee, Lady Jacqueline Lynch has vowed to avenge the death of their parents and not kowtow to any Norman. Escapes not to become his wife, but fate will drag Kellinword definitely where the attraction will be caught by the enemy.


When I first read the synopsis of this book I could not stop thinking about Robin Hood and the struggle between Normans and Saxons, but this has nothing to do Robin Hood novel: neither Wulkan is an outlaw who robs the rich to give to the poor, or a fine Lady Jacqueline Lady Marian delicate yearning for the beloved trapped within the walls of his fortress.

One of the things I like about Saxon Pride is precisely the character of the protagonist rather proud, as its title specifies, tenacious, sassy, \u200b\u200ba little cheeky, talkative and, above all, very, very, very stubborn ... Holy God! If there were times when even I had taken and would have given a good spanking. Wulkan

And ... what of it? Absolutely nothing because everything Nieves says: tall, handsome, brave, stubborn thing (but much less than it simple in their warrior, compassionate (just enough, because when judges show no mercy), severe, a bit rude and inflexible.

History shows an epoch in which ruling King Richard, whose word was law to his subjects and not denied or questioned his desire, in this case, the marriage between Wulkan and Jacqueline. In order not to disobey his king Jacqueline decided to devise a plan that initially seems simple: you tell the king that she was traveling when he got a marriage proposal. His father carried his ward in place, waiting Wulkan it decides to marry instead of her daughter Jacqueline.

But fate makes Wulkan and Jacqueline are-she, disguised as a boy, and decides to take her to his castle to make it squire. From this moment the situation will be happening in a giddy, some really funny, others unsettling, but all extremely well written, with an amazing rate its own vocabulary of the time and with a wealth of details that they live out this adventure as if we were in the same body's own Jacqueline.

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The sad man (David Espinar)

Just one year after the discovery of a as perfect as savage crime, the victim's friends gather to commemorate the anniversary. This day becomes an examination of conscience for all of them, searching for answers, and exchange memories, forbidden love, magic, sueños y un diario real, el que dio las claves a muchas de sus dudas más íntimas.

El anillo del atlante (José Miguel Arguix Moreno)

El Anillo Atlante es el trabajo de ocho años de investigación, en donde podremos descubrir toda la magia y fascinación he kept with him this ring, marked by a legend, the curse of Tutankhamun, a curse or virus that escaped Howard Carter, the discoverer, Atlante with this ring, which she called "powerful talisman of the defense" .
Based on a photo of Roger Lafforest published in his book Houses that were killed at radionics studies, and different copies of this ring.

Now thanks to new technologies such as Kirlian Camera © DSG have been able to confirm the powers and virtues of this ring, and learn everything about it, its history, sacred geometry and especially how to use each one of the fingers of our hands, both physically and emotionally.
discover the answers to all our doubts about this ring "protector and balancer" Atlantean ring.

Yossi, the clone of Jesus Christ (Antonio F. Ortiz)

Year 2023. Volonté Marcello, an Italian priest for the Diocese of Jerusalem, is aware of a great secret: that a young Israeli named Yossi is probably a clone of Jesus Christ.

Since then, the life of the ecclesiastical dump to know the truth ... Yossi
Is a clone of Jesus? Or is it all a hoax? Strange
events will sink in a sea of \u200b\u200bdoubt, questioning the faith he professes.

Revenge in module two (Jesus Carretero Rivero)

Cecilio The adventures of Julian, Ivan, Guti and minor characters the reader to delve in a private world of freedom, as sordid as a human, sincere and interested encounters at a time, the desire for freedom that we all have strong desires for revenge and respond to sustain survival in a hostile environment where the rapid passage of time is the best thing to happen.

You know, at the hands of the protagonists, and the author's original intention to move away from stereotypes and wrong image of what is a prison, what may be happening daily in any English prison. The plot, not without extensive descriptions of characters and landscapes, is full of distinctive features that are swiftly fluctuating between comedy and drama involving the reader in a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and feelings.

This is a report (Sena Ildefonso Rodriguez)

Down at the edge of slippery rocks, an expedition of newcomers struggled to reach the mainland. Mena was set at one of them and pointed his camera. The young man tried unsuccessfully to save the reef that separated him from his fate. He clung to the rock, trying to climb, he slipped and fell again. Knight also took away the sight of him, concerned about the fate of one boy.
- Have you noticed?, Peers no help - said Mena.
"Yes," Isaiah, "everyone goes to his ball. SENA ILDEFONSO

this book recounts the adventures of a journalist in the provinces, since the founding of a new newspaper for having joined the team, until it leaves including past memories. Issues such as migration through the Strait of Gibraltar, political corruption, drug trafficking or the discovery of the whereabouts of Milans del Bosch after being arrested in 1981, are treated in a story full of hilarious stories whose protagonists are real.

infinite tower (Miguel Lopez Valderrama)

A Bea no le gusta un pelo la idea de quedarse en casa mientras sus padres se van a una fiesta. La noche y una ráfaga de viento que se cuela por su ventana, la invitan a disfrazarse de monstruo y caminar entre las sombras. Finalmente, Bea encontrará una fiesta muy especial. Allí comenzará un viaje a un lugar que sólo podría existir en la imaginación de los niños... y en la de un peculiar adulto.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Parts Of A Ship Diagram That's Labeled


Autor: Juan de Dios Garduño Cuenca

Durante el mandato President Obama, the U.S. has evidence that Iran is about to commit an attack on their bases on allied territory. To the astonishment of the world declares war. Russia and China are allied with Iran, Britain and Israel with the Americans and, thus, country by country, all take part in World War 3.
in full confrontation, and the devastation that produce nuclear weapons, opponents decide to use chemical weapons, cheaper and easier to manufacture. Creating new strains of existing viruses, using recombinant DNA and extinct and almost the entire world population.
In the city of Bangor, Maine, only three people survived. Peter, her daughter and Patrick Sthendall, his hated neighbor. Snow in the total population, governed by temperatures that drop below ten degrees below zero, the two men will face more than the hatred felt towards each other. Some visitors who did not ...

OPINION Carolina Marquez Rojas

I do not like stories terror, lo paso muy mal. No me gustan, y sin embargo soy fan de ellos aunque los leo con un ojo cerrado, como cuando ves una película y en el momento crucial te tapas los ojos con las manos pero dejas un resquicio entre los dedos para poder seguir mirando lo que no quieres ver… o si.
Las referencias que yo tenía sobre la novela de Juande Garduño eran que se trataba de una novela “de zombis”, así, sin más. Yo no me muevo por referencias ni por críticas, así que no sé por qué, me sentía atraída a leerla pensando que su autor podía ofrecerme algo más, mucho más. Por una de esas casualidades de la vida, alguien supo que yo estaba interesada y ese alguien me puso en contacto con otra persona, la cual me proporcionó un ejemplar de la novela, pues aquí donde vivo era imposible encontrarla (cosillas de las distribuidoras, ya se sabe). Así que, ante todo, quiero agradecerle a Mónica Mateo Manzano ( Cyber Cómics ), que me enviara la novela, gracias…  
No me gustan los zombis, nunca me han gustado desde que vi siendo niña “La noche de los muertos vivientes” de George A. Romero, y menos aun cuando vi el remake de 1990. Pero algo en este relato me hacía pensar que no iba a encontrarme con los tópicos del género.
I was not disappointed at all. The future that presents after a biological warfare that has wiped out most of humanity is the apocalyptic future that we have seen before in film and other literary works. That is the terror that I like. I hate blood and guts stories but get me that test the survival instincts and that moral and ethical dilemmas to which the protagonists must contend. In this sense, "And despite everything ..." I recalled the stories of the masters Stephen King and Dean R. Koontz, Garduño even makes a nod to the first placing the action in Bangor, Maine town, en el que nació el más famoso autor de novela de terror que ha existido hasta hoy.
El autor bebe de estas fuentes, eso es indudable. Una población aislada del mundo por una nieve casi eterna,   tres supervivientes enfrentándose a algo desconocido y para lo cual no están preparados; caminatas en mitad de un temporal, salidas para buscar avituallamiento en medio de una soledad inmensa y de repente… algo les acecha, algo inhumano que les hará reaccionar frente a su apatía y su rutina para unir fuerzas en una causa común: la supervivencia.
Existen en la novela muchas referencias literarias y cinematográficas. Me ha sido inevitable remember "The Omega Man" or the most current version "I Am Legend" and I thought back to see Robert Neville double (or triple, let's not forget Kitty, not the dog: I did mourn, Garduño).
I've always said that I am very emotional when I talk about a novel. I like to explain the emotions that caused me to read and tend to flee to point out the failures or successes in the "art" as the style and prose and stuff like that after all I care less if I enjoyed the story but I am very grateful that the chapters are short and not abused in any way useless descriptions help story. The prose is not complicated, no artifacts and the narrative from the point of view of two people contributes to tension at the end of each of these chapters. Garduño know catch you in a universe that does not ever want to live, that made me feel scared, but not understood as absolute terror into the unknown, but as the terror that lurks behind every one of us in the next door neighbor, a friend is the terror that produces knowledge that each of these people may fail you at any given time and you can finish your days immersed in the most absolute solitude.
That is the worst fear of every human being.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Is Prepyloric Ulcer


Carved in Stone
Author: Vickie Taylor
Editorial RBA
ISBN: 978-84-96787-16 - 2


are gargoyles, a race of immortals with the gift of transformation that has protected humanity over the years. But now must contend with something else ...

She could not forget what he had seen ....

When Rachel was six Vandermere not believe in monsters ... to that watched the death of their parents. Now, as a woman and as an agent of Interpol, believes he has the evidence necessary to prove the existence of supernatural creatures, but not yet dare to bring them out. And then, during one of his missions in Chicago, he meets an extraordinary man like never seen before-dark, handsome and mysterious loner.

He could not remember what it was ...

Although Nathan Cross looks human, hidden inside much more dangerous-a gargoyle. Created years ago to protect humanity from evil, Nathan and his race there in the dark, knowing that they are slowly disappearing. And when Rachel meets the desire he feels for her is overshadowed by fear of revealing their true nature.
And while Rachel is determined to discover the truth about Nathan, both must face an ancient evil force that will threaten their love, their lives ... and even their souls.


Predictable ... heavy ... tiresome ...

It seems that we have no good words for this book but, really, is yes. We are in a romantic story, undemanding that serves to entertain and lead to a different world than we're accustomed. That is what we expect, when reading paranormal romance, a genre that is becoming more fashionable and it's becoming harder to find original arguments, that is why many times we do things as different and original that we can fall the extravagance and, therefore, lack credibility, and that, in my view, is what happened to Vickie Taylor.

We will not go into detail in his writing, as it would hand in the fire by saying that all errors of style, referring to words repeated phrases are redundant and so forth-rather work of translation and not the author (c'mon, I believe that), however, there is nothing heavier than read a story in which words are repeated constantly, especially in scenes action and sex.
The argument itself is not bad, is quite original but not very credible. We are used to reading about vampires, werewolves and even the odd ghost, but had not addressed the issue of the gargoyles to date (at least me). But ... what is a gargoyle?

cornices in many Gothic buildings stand the figures of fantastic beings and devilish which function within the whole drainage. They are true works of art created by human hand and resemble dragons or snakes with open jaws and huge protruding fangs. Some have wings and horns, body of lion and fish scales. In many European cities have the gargoyles come to life at night and out to satisfy their hunger criminal. Some comics suggest that we may even become human-like beings in order to mingle with us and even protect us from any fatality, yes, when the night ends, they return to their place in the top of some buildings, and processing, the Again, in stone.

The argument is presented to us by Vickie different. Here, the gargoyles are not transformed into stone. Can be a point of originality or a kick to tradition as look-but as today everything is permissible and even vampires sparkle in the light of the sun instead of burning, we'll let go. What I can not miss are the things inconsistent and we're going commenting.

With reference to the gargoyles. I can understand, though I have a hard and long, which did not turn into stone (then it is not a gargoyle, but anyway ...) but I do not understand they are talking all the time of a terrible curse that forces them to become monsters and then it to be pronouncing a sentence to do so. Well, sometimes yes and sometimes no, do not understand it and also do not understand what the "awakening", that if he had respected the tradition, it could mean that "wake up" to life after being turned to stone, which does not happen here. Here, the "awakening" is the fact of becoming a monster, or put another way, the fact of letting out their true nature. But these are little things that maybe we can be misleading because of being poorly translated or that the author has made it very clear what he intended with this strange race of beings.

What I do not like is the whole context or situation itself, ie the girl is a cop, not a police any but a "super cop" as is Interpol. So far so good but to be from Interpol is very clumsy, always getting into trouble and even life-threatening thing that "boy" skipped. Where was he until now? What was she doing? How to resolve these situations? Nor do I understand that throughout the book she does not have anything else to do to fool with childhood monsters; that occurs, the Interpol has no more cases? What happened with your co-workers?

In general, as we have said before, is entertaining but very heavy to read on the subject redundant and repetitive so far as to annoy. But Vickie Taylor has failed to get hooked on the series. The characters are not clearly defined and the situations in which the characters are connected telepathically are not well defined although there is a good attempt. I have not found any character appealing enough to want to continue reading, which if I happened to other writers. If we put him shout readings, would put a 4. By the way, I go to the library so I keep the following in the series.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gay Saunas In Richmond Va

House and disenchantment of a man without grace

Author: Andrés Portillo

Review published in " Literary Reviews."


"Back then, I was a gray and humorless man. However, unexpectedly, the most beautiful girl dancing noticed me. "
So begins this story of passion and lack of pettiness and fear. Fear of loneliness, deceit, abandonment. The charm and the disillusionment of a man who, after spending half his life under the protective shade and absorbing his mother, in the explosive vitality of a young woman twenty years younger, the road that takes you beyond repair at the gates of chaos.
Written with speed and freshness, this first novel by Andrew Portillo author discovers a precise language, with resources able to catch narrative the reader from first page to last, in a scattered pattern of small tragedies of humor, poetry and just a great knowledge of the human condition.

OPINION Carolina Marquez Rojas

This is a story told by a man without grace, no charm, no aspirations and smooth. A man tied to a monotonous life, without incentives, no hobbies without social relations, with a mediocre job and a mother who treats him like an eternal teenager. It's an easy life, marked by the absence of a father she never met and condemned to a future just as gray and drab. But life always has some surprises in store.

This story is one of the most realistic, predictable, pessimistic, yet most amazing I've read in a while. I did so at a stretch, because while the plot is not original in the sense that no traces of any part fiction and the plot is very recognizable, prose and dialogue grabs you from the front lines without giving you a few seconds truce. The story is common, even vulgar, a story we all know it is well known: the story of a man gris, aburrido, sin gracia, que lleva viviendo toda su vida pegado a las faldas de una madre absorbente y amargada que lo ahoga y no le permite vivir su vida porque tampoco ha conocido otra diferente que la que vive. Hasta que este hombre conoce a la chica más guapa del baile y ésta se fija en él.

Andrés Portillo convence con una historia convencional y como he dicho previsible, salpicada con momentos de humor que te dan un respiro, y lo hace de tal forma que no puedes dejar de leer hasta el final, con la convicción o la esperanza de que en el último momento la historia dé un giro de 360 grados y lo que sabes o intuyes que pasará no llegue a producirse. Pero el relato mantiene su lógica hasta el final y eso se agradece, de otro modo no hubiera resultado creíble. Haciendo un guiño al título de la obra, el encanto de la misma está en que poco a poco nos conduce a un desencanto que sin embargo no deja mal sabor de boca, todo lo contrario. La vida es capaz de poner a cada cual en su lugar pero siempre se aprende una lección. Lo que sorprende es la forma de contar la historia, plagada de emociones contradictorias que van superponiéndose las unas sobre las otras y de cambios extremos en el comportamiento de los personajes: la línea que diferencia el odio del amor es ciertamente muy delgada, casi imperceptible. Igualmente resultan sorprendentes los acontecimientos que van dando forma al relato y que Portillo va desgranando con destreza –algunos inesperados- que lead to the final outcome.

This story is very real, believable and well told. After some very uninteresting and premises trite: the tale of a mature man attracted to a Lolita that lead to disaster, Andrés Portillo has been able to captivate and convince with his first novel.
And that, what they do very little.


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NGC New Fiction!

CORPS DESC Javier Quevedo Puchal

Title: Bodies ripped

Author: Javier Quevedo Puchal
Collection: Terror 2
Design cover and fig.: Felideus
Size: 14.5 * 21.5 cm. 238 p.
PVP: 16 €

ISBN: 978-84-937801-4-2

A trip to the more sinister side of human nature
. A walk

what we call guilt.

The Cabaret of Sins. A woman who atones for sins of others through his body. A young hustler in search of revenge. A graphic artist who survives indulging in the most terrible routines. A secret diary. A family governed by strict codes of conduct. A boy has a gift inexplicable and shameful past. Amsterdam, Valencia, West Yorkshire ... Three spaces and three times that converge in a reflection on the horror of everyday life. Bodies ripped
is a dark and intriguing story that is stripping the soul and the fears of his characters, until they end up naming the unnameable in an ending full of resonances, which does not leave anyone indifferent.

Javier Quevedo (Castellón, 1976) studied English at UJI and completed a course of literary studies at the University of Huddersfield. For three years he worked as a film critic for, and has also been occasional articles for other magazines as digital.
After obtaining some literary prizes in 2008 published his first novel, The third wish (Odyssey Publishing), a romantic drama with some great cutting elements, where reality blends with fiction and fairy tales. Also in 2008 made a small contribution into a story ("The truth of another") to the collective work landlocked Lunch (with friends), published by the Rural Caixa d'onda. In 2009 he published his second novel, All the curses of the world (Odyssey Publishing), bittersweet reflection on the memory key science fiction, which was a finalist for the awards Shanghai.
In 2010, sponsored by James Eximeno, released digitally and free
anthology of horror and fantasy nanorrelatos Abominatio (Ediciones Ephemeral) and entered Nocte, the English Association of Writers of Terror. He has also scored some awards at festivals gender, among which the first prize Vortex of Terror and Fantasy 2005 (finalist for his story "The body wrap") or the third prize Cryptshow Festival Terror, Fantasy and Science Fiction 2010 (finalist for his story 'Schlitz', reproduced in the anthology Cryptonomikon 3).
is considered passionate about the work of Ray Loriga, Angela Carter and Clive Barker, among others.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Name Acrostic Poem Generator

of uncertain truths

of uncertain truths
Author: Iñaki Elcano Otazu Editorial
Red Circle
ISBN: 978-84-15143-40-6


fortuitous Can Change Your Life? At least, it can be turned upside down the springs of your own existence. This is what happens to Bruno Riera, who leads a quiet life with his wife, Mary, in the city of Lugo. Accidentally find information that will lead him to delve into the dark world of organized crime, starring a feat which in turn will make you remove the ghosts of a past that thought buried.

Does not that life is?: Return to again and again reinterpret our narratives of the past with the perspective and information that confronts us today.

A thriller that mixes history with insightful analysis of the protagonist in a series of events that, combined in parallel with the narration of episodes in his past life drive the plot in unexpected directions.


Bruno is a policeman, but not a cop 'active' but occupies a position as administrative complaints of people who come to the station. Bruno's life was quite normal as life can be any of us, with loving parents who love him and a brother who, unfortunately, has failed to steer his life well.

The book begins intertwining stories, both past and present. On the one hand we follow the life of Bruno, happily married to Mary, whose chance discovery leads him to act not only an unexpected but also forces you to remember the not so happy and thought already forgotten and buried. Travel parallel to the past and know the story of Bruno and his family, and the circumstances or events that have led him to want to make that determination at their discovery.

History makes us reflect. We all have family and we often wonder if life will not surprise us so perverse. We all want to live full, happy, in which our own-especially if we talk about the children-to achieve their goals and make us feel proud of who we are. Little consideration have, however, with those who have not been equally successful. In the face of misfortunes outside begging look the other way-or-no thanking found in his case, though, We could have happened to us. Iñaki

writes in a way that I would call relaxed. Do not seek perfection, nor the double sense of the sentences is not metaphorical or anything similar to it simply tells a story. Does well, entering their world and making it feel closer, now, something is just not fit and is, in my view, it is too "educated" writing. The characters are too gentle, somewhat soft, there is banter between them, which makes the story lose some reality, but only slightly. In general, the story has me hooked enough and I liked it because it shows how easy it is that your life will change depending on the decisions you make.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Best Place To Buy Salwars In Pune

WORSHIPING TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Romantic tragicomedy unconventional

Author: Ania Kubicek (M. Covadonga Mendoza)


After four months in New York by teaching creative writing University, Sigrid Halvorsen, author of romance novels, which considers itself a Nietzschean superwoman, returns to his home in Toulouse, where he discovers that his brother, with whom he lives, has married a girl millionaire. Shocked by the fact, is by all means to undo the wedding and have him return home, but in between meets François, a timid professor at the University of Le Mirail, which is love. The trouble is that he only wants intellectual friendship ... and she wants something else ...
Sigrid François and can not be more different: he is apathetic, has no social life, believes in God, is chaste ... she is passionate, sociable Atheist and chastity is not doing anything ... But both have something in common: they worship a god known ...

OPINION Carolina Marquez Rojas

do not know where First, the truth. There are so many things I want to say and accumulated many ideas in my head about this novel I have to order them before you start. And I have drawn many conclusions from this story, and I was so absorbed that I have omitted to take notes, something I usually do those engaged in review. I do not always, sometimes I get carried away because taking notes bothers me if I'm enjoying the novel, and yet I find it more difficult to do if I identify with the protagonist and her story alive like mine, well almost mine, enganchadísima to the plot.

This is the story of Sigrid Halvorsen. A woman living by her own rules and beliefs, regardless of a damn what others think, but really suffers from the rejection that their behavior has on the rest of the world. But she must live like this, is what he feels and if it does not come into contradiction with itself. Nietzsechiana is a woman, a superwoman who lives as he wants and also speaks his mind without foreseeing the consequences of their words cause, and because of that people relate to it end up blaming all the ills of the world and of their own. We

ultimately to a very special lady through which we realize that there are different views, different ways of looking at life and live it according to what everyone thinks and feels, is morally right or not, meaning the moral right that society imposes as a role model in a particular historical time, respecting the taboos, without transgressing social norms or religious beliefs, not committing acts "incompatible with civilization " as the author writes.

The synopsis does not do justice to the novel because the story is far more complex than that suggests. Told through the various main characters gives us much more than the only way to live the life of Sigrid. Since everyone is different, it's just knowing how to think and how other actors involved on the wires that are vital weaving between them and how each of the decisions they make directly or indirectly affect the lives of others. Life is very complicated and also we make ourselves even more complicated and allow other people to also complicate us, which we did not ever attain happiness, not absolute, because there is no such concept, but we can not enjoy of those happy moments that make our lives meaningful. Sigrid has a vastly larger superego, is intelligent, witty, fun, very good writer of "high literature" but makes his living writing romance novels, and also maintains an incestuous relationship with his brother Twin facing the moral hypocrisy of the members of his family and his friends, who hide their own secrets and live according to their own morality. The difference between Sigrid and the rest of the characters is that she does not hide his lifestyle, or what he thinks, and that makes it free, but also left exposed to the world of double standards: what you do behind closed doors in okay, but nobody knows. Suffering, then, is inevitable and this superwoman is experienced through a manic-depressive psychosis withdrawing it altogether. But is willing to fight and be happy ... his way.

I have greatly enjoyed the story of Sigrid: I want to be a superwoman, live as I want and say what I want. But that costs and have to be very brave to take that route. The truth is that the story of the blond Germanic beast "made me think a lot about double standards and hypocrisy rampant in close proximity to us, friends, neighbors, relatives or colleagues. All used to lie about ourselves and what we think and that's not bad, it is not always advisable to say what one thinks, just stop being honest with our conscience and that also causes suffering.

But the novel is not as sad as it may seem, on the contrary. Ania Kubicek-M. Covadonga Mendoza delight in social criticism with humor Ironically, acidic and very funny: the part where Sigrid imagine his version of Wagner's opera "The Valkyries" or one in which openly criticize romance novels have no waste. Sigrid has a humor and "bully" who is so clever and uses the double meaning, but could irritate but could not stop laughing. Kubicek-Mendoza dares to criticize anything, not just the performance and character of our society, but covers everything you can throw a stone: music, philosophy, writing, writers, all with respect and good humor, which the author owns and uses more than capable of rip smiles on all 426 pages in which the story unfolds, whether at a wedding or a funeral.

This unconventional romantic comedy drama (a subtitle very successful, though I preferred for her to invent a genre: romance novel bipolar) is highly recommended because the story is complex and real as life itself with characters tender, sensitive and manipulators : intervention tremendous Elizabeth McPherson, Liber Hespericus heroin, another author's story. Reading it will make you think, suffer a little, but mostly to see life through different eyes and perhaps be more tolerant. Many women-and some men feel identified.


can download the novel for free here: Web MCMendoza

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ingredients In Oragel

me out. Anthology of terror

me out.
Anthology of horror stories by various authors

Red Circle Publishing ISBN: 978-84-937235-2-1


"The oldest emotion and most intense of mankind is fear, and the oldest and most intense fears is the fear of unknown. " That is how one of the wizards of terror, HP Lovecraft, fear. A fear that lives in the popular folklore of all cultures, and in the subconscious depths of each person. Since the end of the century Romanticism Eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the tale of terror has been present, and very acclaimed in the literary scene.

Tales of Edgar Allan Poe or HP Lovecraft referred to have revealed the darkest nights of millions of readers over the years, and still are doing now with the help of such luminaries as Clive Barker, Anne Rice or Stephen King, who have given the genre of the new characteristic of our world today, but still look at those pioneers who overwhelmed us, delving into our inner fears, our nightmares, and in our minds.

"Let me out" is a tribute to terror, those stories that we could not stop reading, but with the light on, to those fanzines eighties of horror movies you saw those half covered with sheets, a waiting for a shock that came when least expected.
23 stories that will not let you escape. Get caught by the stories I Contest finalists Horror Stories Publishing Red Circle. You'll be surprised. With Foreword by Teo Rodríguez (Diaries of Fear).

The story: Fears deeper, more everyday, those who haunt you when you are alone, monsters (real or not) that you pursue in each of your nightmares ... I included in this anthology of horror stories published by Editorial Red Circle with the 23 finalists for its annual event. Serial murderers, phobias, vampires, monsters ancestral ghosts, psychological terror, and to new trends in the terror genre that mixed with social criticism, are present in "Let me out." You're stuck, you can not stop reading this selection of stories and tales that will delight lovers of literature in a very fashionable today.


Make a horror story is not easy, let alone get as large a quantity and quality. The truth is I left a good impression because, lately, all the anthologies I read left much to be desired.

Knowing how to write a good story is very difficult. In a very short time you have to capture the attention of the reader, trap and leave satisfied. I enjoyed this anthology because it can find everything: vampires, ghosts, monsters, graveyards ..., a collection of nightmares that make you hair stand on end and look furtively around you. I do not recommend reading this book at night, or maybe yes, because the great success of these stories is that, indeed, tell stories about those fears that live in our nightmares. It is obvious that some stories we like better than others, but not because they are better or worse written but because the fear is more or less adjusted to our reality. We've all had nightmares when we were children, some of which-those that gave us more afraid, remain latent within us, lurking, waiting for that brief moment in which "something" to make them reappear, and that "something" found in each of these stories do you dare to discover?

say which one I liked is simply impossible. I recognize that there is someone that has not made me feel a special terror but most have managed to convey that feeling of discomfort that causes you fear. I can only congratulate the authors and encourage Red Circle to do more events like this.

I leave a list with the title of the stories we find in this anthology, some very suggestive:

Welcome Witch, sister
footprint Baltasar
The illusion of Cubs
Méndez forforito
The Yellow
dark tavern
The indirect Mediterraneo

The City
war spirit Pain, reflecting
Gnomes, peppers and onions
The Day of the Dead
New Moon (tribute) wicked game

Harvest Father Damien
The tape which lost ten meters
The flight
The Mannequins

commander speaks like no other

And now ... Do you dare to read them?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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The butterfly room

Author: Ramón Cerdá

Review recovered from the missing page McGregor.


Enrique del Nogal, notary of Valencia, is kidnapped from his home, returning after a week no one has requested a ransom for him. Back unharmed, with the same clothes and with no memory of what happened during his absence, which casts doubt on the veracity of the kidnapping, even his own wife. He who has never believed in spirits suffer in their own flesh a series of appearances and complicate it even further embarrass their marital relationship and their professional work.


The mystery and intrigue are served from the first pages of the story, first in a trilogy about a subject which offers plenty of literature and gives wings to the imagination: Spiritualism, but related to other equally intriguing and interesting topics such as cloning, this is the case, "astral projection and reincarnation. The three independent reading books are not necessary to read them in order of publication, while sharing the presence of someone of several that appear in the plot.

From a disturbing premise - the disappearance of a person, his poor memory about what happened, the fear of not remembering ", the story weaves and building on the story of all those involved in the plot, each account what is happening and what they think, so that each character is a piece of the puzzle that is taking shape with input from the facts who are living each and every one of them.

Although the novel grabs the reader's interest, the fact of having several narrators and no one, that is what we tend most authors, it is sometimes a bit lost the plot, since no you know the author's intention to change the character who tells the story of another character and another story, and that also has its own history, so that the narrative "Short", is interrupted at the end of each chapter to start another story different from above, but one thing is certain, and that maintains the tension with every last sentence of each chapter, leaving us with the desire that the author again pick up the thread that has just left.
breaks and changes of narrator raises new questions and new clues to unravel the mystery, sometimes too many questions, and if one has knowledge of cloning, the argument is taking a somewhat predictable path, but manages to surprise conclusion despite the lack of scientific data to provide a little light on the subject.

What begins as scattered pieces of a puzzle just assembled, showing the same idea with a link, one short story, though some other character that really has little or nothing to do with the outcome of the story, the mystery that is the key the "spirit" of the novel. The plot hooks

be a bit sparse but there remain some questions unanswered and characters are dispensable for the understanding of the story. But once the reader begins to read and entered into the world created by the author and the mystery that release each of the lines written, the only alternative is to finish the novel and meet its end, a surprising ending.